Sumali Sa Talakayan

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Tangled and our vocation

It's been months since i've last seen a movie. Tangled seems to have combined disney's traditional animated musical theater and dreamworks' quality of computer animation. The 'Mother knows best' song even has some shades of Les Miserables. Great movie!! I'll rank it on the level of Kungfu Panda and 'Train d Dragon'! Tangled has all the ingredients weaved into disney's traditional  musical animated fairy-tale movies. Alan Menken who is part of the many past Disney 2D musical fairy-tales  even came back and composed the songs for Tangled!
Be informed that this note contains spoiler. So if you are still interested to see the movie (for those who didn't see the movie in theaters and just waited for the Dvd) , I will suggest that you watch Tangled first before  reading the rest of this note.

Rapunzel was kidnapped by Gothel because Rapunzel's hair has a magical powers that makes Gothel younger and heal people. The limitation of Rapunzel's hair power is once its cut off, the effects on the people healed by the hair is lessened or reversed. And so to protect Rapunzel's hair since cutting it means that Gothel will show her true age, Gothel kept Rapunzel, they lived inside a tree and she made the girl believe that it is too dangerous for her to go outside the tree. For many years, Rapunzel believed Mother Gothel but as years passed she grew being more and more attracted to the sky lanterns released every year on her birthday.

The lantern  increasingly attracted Rapunzel's attention that she wanted to really know and see where it was coming from. The sky lanterns were being released by the king and the queen hoping that their kidnapped baby will return someday. As the lanterns seem to call her to go where they are coming from, God continues to call us to his love. He is the one who first loves us and invites us to respond back to His love. It is a call that God has embedded in our nature, our natural thirst for Him that He can only satisfy. Just as Rapunzel was attracted to the "call" of the lanterns, a call that reveals who she is, God's call for us reveals what we are made for, our dignity and destiny to be united to Him, and as to where and how we can give Him the greatest glory. This call, the vocation, is where we'll have our inner peace and will give us the best meaning and source of happiness to our life.

Just as Gothel made Rapunzel believe a lie that prevents her from knowing who she is, the evil one tempts us to follow his own destructive and selfish plan. This means that he stops us from knowing that we are made in the image of God, that we are made to be the children of God. For the devil to accomplish this, he makes us forget our relationship with our Father and makes us believe that we can be as gods, having the power to define what is good and evil. A lie that leads us to believe that we alone can give meaning to who we are and the world we live in making ourselves our own god.

Rapunzel, seeing the image of the yellow sun on a cloth, she began to recognize the image of the sun on her own paintings. Unraveling her memories, she was able to recall those images from when she was still a baby. Although we are exiled from paradise, we still have something in us that tells us about God and the  truth about ourselvesb as can be seen by the presence of bits of Christian Truths in most religions around the world. We continue to be in the image of God although that image has been wounded by sin. In her subconscious mind,  Rapunzel drew images of the sun although she didn't realize that the image told her something about her past. This reflects the reality about ourselves.  The truth of what God has willed us to be manifests on every aspects of our lives. Our desires even makes us see that we are made for something that is beyond the material world. We can also relate the cloth that has the image of the sun to the word of God. Although we can recognize universal truths about ourselves and our relationship with other people using the natural capabilities  that we already have, we notice that it can only bring us so far. Although we manifests this truth in the way we act and the way we make sense of things around us, the knowledge about the Father given to us through the supernatural revelation, especially the revelation of Christ, makes us understand better and recognize better these truths. In Christ, the fullness of divine revelation can be known. As what Pope Benedict XVI has said in Caritas in Veritate, Jesus purifies and liberates us in our search for Truth. Jesus himself is the Truth. As Rapunzel was able to recognize the patterns she has been drawing with the help of the image of the sun on a cloth, the image of the Father, Jesus Christ, makes us see the truth about ourselves and thus fully manifest our relationship with God the Father.

Rapunzel discovered more truths about herself when she went outside the tree she's been living in for 18 years. She had continued to live there because she had believed Gothel's lies about the outside world. And since she had a distorted image of the outside world, it became almost impossible for her to know truths about herself.  Our outside world manifests God's beauty, wisdom and intelligence. Through His design of things, we are able to see His mark, an indication of who He is. That is why we are able to understand nature as we know who God really is. Through God's creation, we are able to know God and ourselves.

The Church has taught that Jesus revealed God and he also revealed who man is. Through Him, we are able to see the Father and we are able to better know ourselves. As Father Corapi has said, by looking at the crucified Christ, we are able to know who God is and who man is. By looking at Jesus, we are able to know ourselves.

To see the USCCB's review of Tangled, you can go to

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